
Posts Tagged ‘Abe Lincoln’

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

That’s one of my favorite quotes from Abe Lincoln — and not just because it was coming from a man who battled depression his whole life. It’s just very simply the truth.

Attitude is everything.

I once had a neighbor, Josh, who always walked around exclaiming, “Isn’t everything great?!”

It drove his wife crazy. She used to tell me, “Sometimes I scream at him, ‘No, things are not great.'”

But if most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be, my neighbor had to be one the happiest people on Earth.

Josh came by it naturally — that much is clear.

But if you aren’t lucky enough to come by a positive attitude naturally, well … Lincoln knew better than most people how difficult it is to put yourself in a positive frame of mind when your head is refusing to go there.

No doubt you have your own method, just as I have mine.

If you need a nudge in the right direction, check out these tips for positive thinking.

They’re not earth shattering in their originality but they do have the most important ingredient — they work.

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