
Posts Tagged ‘Mother Hubbard’


I’ve been wondering lately: What does everyone else eat when you arrive home after a day of work, open up your refrigerator and cry, “There’s nothing to eat!”?

Yeah, I know I could hop back in the car and run over to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Wegmans or (gasp!) Pathmark … but who feels like it?

I just got home, the dog’s waiting to be fed (of course I’m never out of her food!) and if I’m planning to do a workout, well, there’s just no way I’m driving to the store for food.

Even if I had the motivation, what time would I wind up eating — 9 pm?!

Plus, I always tell myself, “There is stuff here you could eat, if you felt like making it.”

So what does it come down to?

Well, here’s my response to the age-old question of  “What do you eat when there’s nothing to eat?”:

  • Eggs
  • Brown rice and the least droopy vegetables I have
  • Pasta mixed with good ol’ Kraft American cheese (I always have it on hand because it’s a great bribe when I need to brush my dog, clip her paws, etc.)
  • Baked potato — with melted cheese on top
  • Cheese, crackers and a cup of yogurtyeah, filling.
  • Trader Joe’s wild caught salmon patties (always in my freezer), sauteed in a vinaigrette of olive oil, garlic, Dijon and lemon juice
  • Waffles or pancakes (from scratch; no mixes allowed)
  • Oatmeal

OK … I see where this list is going.

For the most part, I really tend to fall back on breakfast food. I’d like to say I only eat it for dinner when there’s nothing else to eat, but the truth is, I love breakfast more than any other meal.

Take me to a diner that serves breakfast 24/7, and I’m a happy camper.

Anyway, I imagine you  can guess why I wrote this post. Yep … time to head downstairs and decide between an omelet or waffles tonight.

What do you eat when there’s nothing to eat?

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