
Posts Tagged ‘brussels sprouts’

I always thought Brussels sprouts were pretty cute, as far as vegetables go.

But I steered clear of them.

I’m not sure why. Maybe it was some childhood trauma or maybe I was going along with the crowd. After all, how many people do you know who rave about Brussels sprouts?

But a friend was talking about them the other day. He’d roasted them, and he was describing how putting the sprouts and the olive oil and the garlic under a high heat brought out the sweetness in them.

It sounded pretty mouth-watering, as he described it.

So I bought about 20 Brussels sprouts and:

  • Washed them
  • Cut off the stumpy ends
  • Then quartered them
  • Next, I mixed them in a bowl with enough olive oil to give each chunk the slightest coating
  • And I pressed about 3 cloves of garlic over them
  • I also ground some fresh pepper and tossed it all by hand
  • I used my fingers to lightly coat a roasting pan (or cookie sheet) with olive oil
  • And roasted them at 425 until they turned golden, about 15 minutes.

The result? I am a believer. Roasted Brussels Sprouts are nothing short of fantastic.

Not to mention, they’re ridiculously good for you.

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